Tuesday 22 March 2016

Importance of Structural Designer

A building is made with an investment of millions of rupees. Many people save money their whole lives and wants to build a home for the comfort and secure living of their family. A building shall be strong, durable and resistant to the shocks it can face so that the money invested on it is not gone wasted. An architect designer designs the map of a building whereas a structural designer approves the structure of a building that either it is up to the required standard or not. Structural designer in Pakistan is responsible for making the required changes in the map of a building which are essential for its safety and reliability.

The education required for a structural designer is minimum sixteen years, a graduate degree in the Structural designing. There are many universities which offer a valid degree for the structural designer in Pakistan and this job always has a high scope due the technical aspects and functionality. Pakistan is among the countries which are rapidly moving on the track of development and in the past decade many mega projects for the road ways, multi stories buildings, malls and public places are being constructed. The infrastructure and construction work in a country is the top count while is development is measured thus the architects and structural designers in Pakistan are doing the responsible job of listing their country among the developed and civilized countries of the world.

There are many cases which reported about the failure of construction. There were many roads which drowned in the rain water after the moon soon season which was a project which lacked the structural approval. Similarly, on October 2008 the most dangerous earth quake Pakistan have faced yet, a multi story building collapsed in the federal capital because of the bad structural designing and planning. These examples were just quote to highlight the need and demand of the structural designer in Pakistan which can not only save millions of rupees from going waste but also can save the precious lives of many innocent people. We are living in a country that has the potential and urge for development but lacks the resources but thank to Zeeshan Ahmed who is all vacant, offering the specialized services of structural designer in Pakistan for all the residential and commercial clients.

Many people spend a lot of money for the architect designing, construction and interior décor of their homes and commercial building but do not consider it important to consult a structural designer in Pakistan. Either they don’t consider it important or do not have the idea about the need of this. This is clear and straight as a building can collapse or cracked due to natural calamities, pressure of vibration caused by the traffic. Structural designer will evaluate that either the ground is strong enough to bear the weight of a huge or tall building and also that the structure which is designed for the building is capable of this investment or not. Structural designer in Pakistan can save your precious money from being invested on a project that is not worth it.

If you are planning to construct a home or a commercial building you can consult Zeeshan Ahmed who is a known, experienced and top ranked structural designer in Pakistan. His firm is a one stop shop for the construction work from step one to the last as his team has the architects, constructors, interior designers and the structural designers as well. 

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